Our New Wood Recovery Program
In celebration of earth day, we would like to share some of Fabuwood’s efforts to keep our planet clean and beautiful. We have always been passionate about the environment; not only do we encourage our employees to recycle, but we take it to a company-wide base, by implementing thorough recycling systems in our warehouse. In fact, we have been shipping out 99.9 percent of all cardboard and foam waste to be recycled or reused by other companies.
However, we at Fabuwood were not content with keeping to the bare minimum, we are always looking for ways to expand and grow. Thankfully, our opportunity to do so arrived in 2021 in the form of a wasteful predicament.
Puzzling Predicament
While we were doing what we could to maintain an environmentally friendly workplace, we still felt like there was more we could be doing. We became aware that there was a concerning amount of usable wood being wasted from each sheet of plywood after a panel was cut out of it. Instead of being put to use, they were being sent to the chipper for recycling, leading to us using more sheets of wood than necessary. Determined to find a solution to this problem, Fabuwood set out on a mission to go even greener green.
Smart Solution
Fabuwood decided to create a new department called the Wood Recovery Department and made it their sole job to sort through all the scrap wood (sheets of plywood that had already been cut) and pick out all quality pieces too small to cut into larger cabinet panels. The recovered pieces are then repurposed for smaller parts like toe-kicks or wooden cleats, a useful and elegant solution.
Rewarding Results
Fabuwood is now using a whopping 95-97% of all plywood, 33-45% of which had until now been thrown in the chipper and sent out for recycling. Keeping with this pace, Fabuwood is on par to reduce our wood waste in the range of 50 tons in 2022 alone and projecting significant increases annually. This conservation effort spares natural resources and benefits our environment.
Formulating our Future
We’re thrilled with our progress, but of course, we’re not ready to stop there. Fabuwood is already making plans toward a greener future, starting with the extension of our Wood Recovery Department. We plan to hire more staff to support this rapidly expanding program, as well as implement new equipment to unlock our team’s full potential. On an entirely separate note, we are also actively exploring ways to use more renewable energy by installing Solar and EV Car charging ports.
Fabuwood is glad to be green, and proud of how far we’ve come. We hope that in sharing our efforts we have managed to encourage everyone to do what they can to help protect our home. We only get one earth, but if we work together, we can keep it beautiful and clean for many years to come.
Happy Earth Day everyone!